Prepare to indulge your taste buds like never before at Leighton House! We believe that every meal should be a feast for the senses, and that's why we take great pride in our appetising and visually stunning dishes. Our skilled chefs prepare and cook all of our meals on-site using only the freshest, high-quality ingredients, ensuring that every bite is bursting with flavour and nutrition.

We offer a diverse range of cuisines at Leighton House, including Chinese, Indian, and Mediterranean dishes. Our menu is carefully crafted to cater to the unique dietary requirements and preferences of our residents. For those who require additional nutrition, we add rich ingredients and higher calorific values to our dishes. We also provide larger portion sizes for those with healthy appetites and special diets for those with medical conditions like Diabetes, with reduced sugar and salt options available.


We understand that every resident has different dietary needs and preferences, which is why we provide alternative diets for those who may have religious or personal restrictions. Our mission is to ensure that every resident enjoys delicious, nourishing meals that are tailored to their individual needs and tastes.

At Leighton House, we believe that good food is the heart of a happy home, and our exceptional dining experience is a testament to that.

Dine with us

At Leighton House, we understand the importance of spending quality time with loved ones, especially during meal times. That's why we warmly welcome all relatives to join their loved ones for a meal in our home.

Whether it's a special occasion or just a casual catch-up, we provide the perfect setting for cherished moments with family, friends and loved ones.